Gravity Yoga – New Age Style or Worth Your While?

Gravity Yoga is a style of yoga founded by Lucas Rockwood, a yoga teacher and instructor with over 20 years of experience in the industry. In this article, we shed some light on this rather new style of yoga.

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What is Gravity Yoga?

Gravity Yoga

According to Rockwood, Gravity Yoga is a fusion of traditional yoga poses and exercises with the use of gravity, traction, and resistance to enhance the benefits of each pose and provide a deeper level of physical and mental challenge.

One of the key features of Gravity Yoga is the use of inversion therapy, which involves inverting the body and using the force of gravity to decompress the spine and enhance circulation. Inversion poses such as downward facing dog and headstands are a staple in Gravity Yoga classes and are believed to have numerous health benefits, including relieving back pain, improving digestion, and reducing stress.

In addition to inversion therapy, Gravity Yoga also incorporates the use of props such as straps, blocks, and blankets to assist in the execution of poses and provide support and stability. These props allow students to safely and effectively hold poses for longer periods of time, increasing their strength and flexibility.

Gravity Yoga also emphasizes the importance of proper alignment and form in each pose to prevent injury and maximize the benefits of the practice. Rockwood has developed a system called the “Gravity Alignment System” to guide students in achieving optimal alignment in their poses and ensure that they are practicing safely.

Gravity Yoga Benefits

One of the main goals of Gravity Yoga is to provide a challenging and empowering practice that helps students to feel strong, flexible, and confident in their bodies. Rockwood believes that by using the force of gravity and incorporating props and inversion therapy, students can experience a deeper level of physical and mental transformation through their yoga practice.

Some of the summarized benefits are:

  • Improved flexibility and range of motion
  • Increased strength and muscle tone
  • Enhanced circulation and cardiovascular health
  • Relief of back pain and other joint issues
  • Improved digestion and elimination
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Improved balance and coordination
  • Enhanced mental clarity and focus
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Increased overall physical and mental well-being


In conclusion, Gravity Yoga is a unique style of yoga that combines traditional poses with the use of gravity, traction, and resistance to enhance the benefits of the practice. Through the use of inversion therapy, props, and proper alignment, Gravity Yoga aims to provide a challenging and empowering experience that helps students to feel strong, flexible, and confident in their bodies.

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